Raman microscopy in all
performance parameters
Fiber-based dual-wavelength laser sources are simply the best
performing laser system when the microscopic application requires
a very high pulse rate (picosecond pulses) at relatively low laser
powers (1kW) and a wide range of Raman oscillations. We have proudly
experienced it a few days ago.
The first dual-wavelength picosecond fiber laser for Stimulated
Raman Scattering (SRS) microscopy sold and installed by WinWinTec
International Group and TRUMPF Active Fiber Systems has passed
the acceptance by the panel of experts from South China's Zhongshan
School of Medicine, Sun Yat Sen University and Chemistry and Chemical
Engineering Guangdong Laboratory with top grade; we have achieved
all specified performance parameters - from tunability range (1000
to 3300 cm-1), tunability speed (5s), pulse duration
(<40ps) to beam quality (Mē <1. 2) , and all this with
a spectral bandwidth of <10cm-1 (output 1) or <15cm-1
(output 2).
Our partner in Guangdong couples the laser to a universal SRS
microscope to achieve rapid chemical mapping for imaging biomolecules
in living or fixed cells and tissues, as well as in pharmaceuticals.
Labeling or staining of samples is not required with this imaging
technique, so the development of SRS tags for medical diagnosis
can be done faster than with fluorescence microscopy, for example.