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  News on partnerships and cooperation


WinWinTec  >  News on partnerships and cooperation

Our CARS high-power laser for biomedical imaging in use at the Institute of Scientific Instruments of the Czech Academy of Sciences, as a light source for endoscopic biopsies  

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How to position oneself in an overly flexible market environment such as the Chinese, where for instance manufacturers of 3D surface inspection equipment try to outperform each other in marketing data that refer to very different reference values and are therefore no longer comparable with each other? You set standards.

The WinWinTec International Group is cooperating with the Shanghai Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology, starting with a series of performance tests for 2D and 3D optical characterisation of highly complex material surfaces. More about this coming soon.




Fiber-coupled synchronized emission of picosecond laser pulses for ipht Jena

BASALTŪ-N2 INDENT micro-forces instrument for measuring the viscoelastic behavior of hydrogels and other biomaterials



Fiber-coupled synchronized emission of picosecond laser pulses for ipht Jena

developed nonlinear microscopes for bio-medical imaging


The dual-wavelength ps fiber lasers from AFS Jena supply ultra-short pulsed laser light to a nonlinear microscope developed by the Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology (ipht) Jena. Thanks to this cooperation, high quality and high speed microscopic multimodal non-linear imaging is possible by e.g. simultaneously probing the coherent anti-stokes raman spectroscopy (CARS) CH-vibrational-levels of lipids around 2850 cm-1 and of protein around 2930 cm-1, the second harmonic generation (SHG) and the two-photon excited fluorescence (TPEF) signals.


Picture: by courtesy of ipht Jena


Picture: by courtesy of ipht Jena

This brings microscopic multimodal non-linear imaging for medical applications a huge step forward, for example CARS spectroscopy and microscopy for brain cancer detection during surgery and other clinical applications such as the examination of human aorta sections, human perivascular tissue, animal tissue and many more.


  Pictures: by courtesy of ipht Jena


The design of the laser, microscope and control unit is so compact that all devices can be put on roll containers and transported to the point of operation by only one operator. Long transport routes of the highly sensitive biological samples, additional cooling systems and other equipment are thus no longer necessary.


The process from the extraction of the tissue or other biological sample to the decision about the microscopically gained results is much more efficient and less risky than with conventional methods which have to resort to complex, alignment sensitive and expensive OPO (optical parametric oscillating) systems which are bound to laser labs and thus immobile.





BASALTŪ-N2 INDENT micro-forces instrument for

measuring the viscoelastic behavior of hydrogels and other biomaterials


WinWinTec's supplier Tetra developed a micro-forces indentation tester for the specific purpose of describing the complex mechanical behavior of biomaterials used in life science, mainly. As a matter of fact, these materials show frequency-dependent viscoelastic behavior, and when characterizing its properties, the physiological frequency range of possible stresses (0.1 to 3 Hz) has to be taken into consideration.

Tetra's customer Institute for Bioprocessing and Analytical Measurement Techniques (iba) recently published a study on the results of their experiment consisting of a dynamic force measurement (indentation and relaxation) and its evaluation. In this type of indentation measurement, the test piece is compressed vertically by a force up to a maximum of 0.5 N or by 20% of the height of the piece. The force was measured at a constant Z position for 300 seconds, during which time the relaxation behavior of the piece was investigated. The sampling rate was 100 per second. The raw data of the modulus/time curves were fitted with the aid of evolutionary algorithms, and the relaxation time spectrum was derived from the data gained this way.

BASALTŪ-N2 INDENT made by TETRA, with a 1N force sensor, was used as the measuring system. A circular plate with a diameter of 6 mm was attached to it in order to apply a force to the entire surface of the cylindrical test piece, which had dimensions of d = 5.5 mm, l = 6 mm.


Experimental set-up: BASALTŪ-N2 INDENT and test pieces


The investigations confirmed the initially formulated thesis that the incorporation of mono-functional precursors (lactide and caprolactone mixtures / LCMs) could specifically adjust the viscoelastic behavior over several orders of magnitude. Increasing the proportion of mono-functional LCMs increased the viscous proportion up until structural integrity was lost (100% mono-functional = no cross-linking agent). The recording of the measured values and the adjustable force range of the BASALTŪ-N2 INDENT are ideally suited for the systematic investigation of the viscoelastic behaviour of biomaterials and hydrogels.


Scaffold with the polymer platform which was investigated, structured by two-photon polymerization



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